GOP: Doing Nothing is Not an Option
According to a new USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll, approval of the president’s handling of Social Security reached new lows, and approval of both congressional parties is also declining. However, in a significant development, despite the increasing disapproval house Republicans announced they will vote on a proposal for personal accounts by fall:
Approval of president's Social Security efforts dips, By Richard Wolf, USA Today: Americans disapprove of the way President Bush is handling Social Security by a ratio of more than 2-to-1, a new low … Opposition to Bush is greatest among seniors, women, and people with lesser incomes and levels of education. Democrats disapprove by … more than 20-to-1, but Republicans back Bush's performance on the issue by a 2-to-1 ratio. … Seven in 10 Americans say Bush has not been clear or specific enough ... Nearly eight in 10 say the same thing about Republicans in Congress. More than eight in 10 say Democrats haven't been clear.
House GOP Pledges Fall Vote on Soc. Sec, By David Espo, AP: … Republican leaders announced Wednesday the House would vote by fall on legislation to establish individual accounts under Social Security. … As drafted, the House GOP plan omits steps to extend the program's solvency, despite Bush's insistence that changes are needed. … One lawmaker said GOP leaders had ultimately decided that doing nothing was not a realistic option. …
My uncle, who drinks a bit, once told me that when his time comes they’ll have to beat his liver to death with a stick. That’s how I feel about private accounts.
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 12:33 AM in Economics, Politics, Social Security |
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