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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday Reading

For all of you spending your 4th of July weekend roughing it at Camp Wireless, here are some newspaper articles to read with your camp coffee while the pancakes and bacon cook on your Outpost Stove:

3D TV, Space Probes, when to show skin, i-IQ, and imploding tops
Television That Leaps Off the Screen
NASA readies space probe to blast comet
NASA bombs a comet - for science
Watch Deep Impact's Comet Collision Via Webcast
Strange New World Unlike Any Other
We're just not that fat
Tattoos are showing up all over
Test Seeks to Measure Students' Web IQ
Lava Dome Top Falls Into St. Helens Crater

Close to home
A Livable Shade of Green

To students, this is very old news, but if you haven’t heard
Facebook an Internet Sensation on Campus

A tale of privatization
After Bail Out, Privatization, School District Starts Over

Invasion of the wife-snatchers
Estonians snatch world wife-carrying title again

Plucky bird
Zurita is the world's first single-mom penguin

Hope you aren’t fed up with stories about the Fed
The Fed's Measure of Consistency
Fed Is Only Central Bank Raising Rates

Is there a justice in this world?
Conservative Groups Rally Against Gonzales as Justice
Confirmation Battle in Senate Could Define Specter's Career
Court Decision May Be Bush's Defining Moment
Practical Voice in Partisan Times
Justice O'Connor Retires; Court's Direction Unclear
O'Connor's common sense
Bush faces tough choice to fill Supreme Court vacancy
O'Conner Steps Down

Ups and Downs
Were the Good Old Days That Good?
Could a Few Hedge Funds Spoil the Party?
Gauging Two Booms

Who gets the cookies?
In 2002, More Wealthy People Paid No Tax
Economic Growth, Tax Help to Reduce Deficit
No Need for States To Fear Estate Taxes

Will they kiss and make up?
Blair may 'snub' Bush on climate at G-8

Laissez-faire is best:
Political Bias in College Classes

Views and news on Iraq
Why Bush Won't Send More Troops
Cut our losses in Iraq and get out
Is it too early to say 'no more Iraqs'?

Other places in the world
China as World Finance Maverick -- Deal With It: Mark Gilbert
How can the West help Africa? A global Q&A
How Iran's reformers lost their political way
Commentary: Play Fair -- And Insist That China Do The Same

And one I need to take seriously
Not too late to plan a vacation

    Posted by on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 02:52 AM in Economics, Reading | Permalink  TrackBack (2)  Comments (0)


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    » Catching my eye: morning A through Z from The Glittering Eye

    Here's what's caught my eye this morning: Across the Bay has a fabulous post on the nexus of ethnohistory, ideology, and politics in Palestine. Remember, folks, archaeology is not a science—it's a vendetta. Annika has a handy reference to the... [Read More]

    Tracked on Sunday, July 03, 2005 at 12:37 PM

    » Econobloggers take on "tedious", "low-life" "Marxist" Live 8 organisers from New Economist

    Many econobloggers tend to be a bit grumpy at the best of times, but this weeken [Read More]

    Tracked on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 at 04:05 PM


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