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Friday, May 12, 2006

Molly Ivins: The Washington Press Corps

This is Molly Ivins discussing the Washington press corps, and her assessment is not positive. In the uncut version of her column, she also discusses bloggers and journalists, including her recommendations on which political blogs to read:

Developments in journalism's frontier, by Molly Ivins, Cnn/Creator's Syndicate: As I occasionally survey the pack of sycophantic shih tzus* in the Washington press corps, wriggling on their bellies to kiss the feet of those in power, I feel plumb discouraged about the future of journalism.  It's like a cross between Versailles under Louis XIV and high school: obsequious courtiers flattering their way to favor, plus the silly cliques of the "in crowd" and "out crowd." ...

The Washington press corps (which I think should be separated from "normal" parts of the press) is breathtakingly craven. In the face of intimidation and the lure of official approval, it has shown neither courage nor enterprise. I don't know how to account for this pitiable performance. One hears terrifying tales of when the press corps "turns," when it rips and attacks like sharks in a "feeding frenzy." Darn, not a shark in sight. The president's approval ratings are at 31 percent, and not a single shih tzu will yap at him.

It seems to me [the Washington press corps] could benefit from reading the new biography of Izzy Stone by Myra MacPherson.... "All Governments Lie: The Life and Times of Rebel Journalist I.F. Stone." ... What a joy to read about the old dog on the hunt. Surprising, too. While Stone famously broke story after story by actually reading government documents instead of taking what the press was spoon-fed, MacPherson reminds us he was also a shoe-leather reporter, who went out to interviews, press conferences and the daily bash, where he occasionally harassed spokesmen. ...

I have no objections to anyone breaking into the guild of journalism without the credentials of journalism school or experience on a print daily (though I highly recommend especially the latter). I do object to those who jump from political hackery to flackery and expect respect. Truly, if you can't cover a five-car pile-up on Route 128, you should not be covering a presidential campaign. ...

* With apologies to those shih tzus with the hearts of lions.

    Posted by on Friday, May 12, 2006 at 09:10 PM in Politics, Press | Permalink  TrackBack (0)  Comments (3)


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