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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Econoblog: How Much Do Election Shakeups Affect the Nation's Economy?

I did the following Econoblog with Justin Wolfers of the Wharton school. The topic is how the outcome of elections affects the nation's economy (free link):

How Much Do Election Shakeups Affect the Nation's Economy?, WSJ Econoblog: As the midterm elections loom, Congress watchers expect Democrats to pick up seats in both the House and the Senate and perhaps take control of both houses. While economic and pocketbook issues such as the minimum wage and the Bush tax cuts have played a part in stump speeches, it remains to be seen whether any major policy changes are in the offing. Still, it's instructive to take a step back and see what changes in party control have meant for the U.S. economy in the past.

The Online Journal asked Mark Thoma ... of .... the University of Oregon and an economics blogger, and Justin Wolfers, an assistant professor of economics in the business and public policy department at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, to discuss the research on the topic and share their own views on how much -- or little -- a change of control in Congress could affect the U.S. economy.

Thanks Justin. [Econoblog, Discussion Board]

    Posted by on Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 03:34 PM in Economics, Politics | Permalink  TrackBack (1)  Comments (4)


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