Readings on (Mostly) Monetary Theory and Policy
A benefit of blogging is that you can harvest links for your classes as you look for things to blog about, and then post them as required or additional reading on a class blog or web page. In case anyone finds them useful, here are the additional readings and applications I've posted on the class blog for my Monetary Theory and Policy class so far this quarter (just short of 100 articles). I've been surprised at how many people in the class actually read these (I give short summaries of most of the articles posted as additional reading, so that probably helps encourage people to read more):
- The Stone Money of Yap
- Technology and Class Attendance (a worry of mine...)
- Benjamin Franklin and the Birth of a Paper Money Economy
- Fed Watch by Tim Duy: Like a Broken Record
- Application: This is a summary of a speech by Federal Reserve governor Donald Kohn: Fed's Kohn Says 'Too Early to Relax' on Inflation, by Craig Torres and Steve Matthews, Bloomberg:
- Dual Banking in the U.S.
- A brief History of the U.S. Payments Mechanism
- The Evolution of Central Banking in the U.S.
- Application: Fed Chairman May Face Heat At Hearings, by Greg Ip, Wall Street Journal
- Fed Independence
- Bernanke: Entitlement Spending Threatens Future Economy
- Bernanke Senate Testimony - Long-term fiscal challenges facing the United States
- Tim Haab: Speaking with the Enemy
- Email interview with Milton Friedman
- The value of scalping - The Boston Globe
- Application: Federal Reserve Governor and the author of your textbook, Frederic Mishkin: The Role of House Prices in Formulating Monetary Policy, by Frederic S. Mishkin, Federal Reserve Board
- US productivity growth lowest for decade, by Chris Giles, Financial Times
- The great unbundling, Does economics need a new theory of offshoring?
- Big Bank Stops Effort to Change Law Limiting Growth
The Great Moderation- Fed Will Hold Rate, Stay Focused on Inflation, by John M. Berry, Bloomberg:
- Application: Kenneth Rogoff looks at the risks from unexpected changes in macroeconomic volatility: The $200 Trillion Question, by Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate:
- ECB warns on ‘unstable’ financial markets
- Bernanke, Trichet Find Cheaper Oil Raises Inflation Risks
- Regulatory Relief for Banking Organizations (eliminating open market operations)
- A shining city for life sciences (Larry Summers)
- How does your brain respond when you think about gambling or taking risks?
- Who Was Milton Friedman?
- Application: This Economic Letter from Glenn Rudebusch of the San Francisco Fed discusses monetary policy inertia: Monetary Policy Inertia and Recent Fed Actions, by Glenn D. Rudebusch, Economic Letter, FRBSF:
- FOMC statement
- Private Money
- In Translation
- CBO: Economic Volatility
- FRB Dallas: Does Foreign Direct Investment Help Emerging Economies?
- Will the Euro Replace the Dollar?
- Application: The FOMC Holds Target Rate at 5.25%
- Speech by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke on the level and distribution of economic well-being
- As Inflation Soars, Zimbabwe Economy Plunges
- Come with Me to the FOMC, Remarks by Governor Laurence H. Meyer, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon April 2, 1998
- Speeches by Fed Officials Had Less Influence on Treasury Market in 2006
- Fewer buyers are checking out
- Application: Productivity in the fourth quarter was higher than expected easing the pressure on unit labor costs: Productivity Growth Rebounds, Easing Pressure on Labor Costs, WSJ
- “Yes, Virginia, Income Inequality is Still Rising”, by Mark Thoma, Cato Unbound
- Econolog: New Takes on the New Deal
- Hal Varian: Kaizen, That Continuous Improvement Strategy
- Kenneth Rogoff: Why Hasn't the Dollar Crashed Yet?
- When It Comes to Innovation, Geography Is Destiny, by G. Pascal Zachary, NY Times
- Application: Unless there's a drastic change in the economic outlook, don't get your hopes up for a cut in the Fed's target rate of interest anytime soon: Fed Officials Still Wary Of Inflation, by Michael S. Derby, WSJ
- How Paul Volcker became a practical monetarist
- The "Global Shortage of Hard Assets"
- China's Inflation, Money Supply Growth Moderate, Easing Pressure on Rates
- Monetarism as an Oral Tradition?
- Application: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is testifying before congress today on monetary policy. Here's a summary of his testimony so far: Bernanke Says Inflation Slowing; Not Ready to Relax, by Scott Lanman, Bloomberg
- FRBSF: The Outlook for the Economy
- Should Central Bankers "Stick to Their Knitting"?
- De Rato Defends IMF Latin America Role; Seeks 'Better Answers'
- Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago - U.S. Economic Outlook
- Poole Speech - U.S. Saving
- Bloomberg - Bernanke, Sparring With Frank, Says Fed May Lift Rate
- Washington Wire - Bernanke's Long View on Owning Stocks
- John M. Berry - Bernanke Says Nothing New, the Markets Love It
- Bloomberg - Poole Says Risky Mortgages 'Coming Home to Roost'
- Application: Central Banks Face Rising Pressure From Politicians, by Simon Kennedy and Matthew Benjamin, Bloomberg
- It’s Time to Ask the Next Question, by Mark Thoma, Cato Unbound
- Fed's Inflation Analysis Ranks With Zimbabwe's, by Caroline Baum, Bloomberg
- Barney Frank: Explicit Inflation Target a "Terrible Mistake"
Bies Says Subprime Mortgage Market is Behaving in a 'Problematic' Way- Application Consumer Prices Jump 0.2% On Higher Food, Medical Costs, by Jeff Bater, WSJ:
- Amy Finkelstein: The Costs and Benefits of Universal Health Insurance
- FRB Dallas - Economic Outlook
- John Taylor: The Iraq Currency Plan Was a Big Success
- Is the Wide, Wide World of Economics Too Wide?
- Application: Inflation and Unemployment II
- Forecasting Recessions
- Bernanke: Globalization May Have Increased Inflation
- Expected Inflation
- Explicit Inflation Targeting as a Commitment Device
- Risk Manager: A Nobel laureate says learning can be costly
- Liquidity and Financial Markets - Tim Geithner - FRB New York
- Fed Doesn't Think Sub-prime Mortgages are a Problem - John Berry
- Long-term fiscal challenges and the economy - Bernanke
- The aging workforce - FRB Gov Kohn
- Application: Ben Bernanke on globalization and monetary policy: Globalization and Monetary Policy, by Ben Bernanke, FRB
- Milton Friedman: Why Money Matters
- Kenneth Rogoff: Hedge Fund Transparency and Regulation
- Greenspan's Shadow Needs to Shrink
- Bernanke Says Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Need to Cut Portfolios, Heed Mission
- Greenspan Predicts 'One-Third Probability' of U.S. Recession This Year
- Application: Productivity and Unit Labor Costs
- Gauging Inflation Expectations - WSJ Washington Wire
- Comments on "Understanding the Evolving Inflation Process" FRB Richmond, Lacker
- Update on China: A Monetary Policymaker's Report - FRBSF, Yellen
- Liquidity and monetary policy - FRB: Speech, Kroszner
- U.S. Economic Outlook - Moskow - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
- Understanding the evolving inflation process - FRB Speech, Kohn
- Home Foreclosures May Total 1.5 Million in U.S. as Subprime Bust Deepens
- Varian: Observe, Theorize, Measure, and Test
- Does Relabeling the Hours of the Day Save Energy?
- Application: A report on potential problems in the subprime mortgage securities market: Crisis Looms in Mortgages, by Gretchen Morgenson, NY Times
Posted by Mark Thoma on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 09:57 PM in Economics, Monetary Policy |
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