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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

McCain: Why Americans Think America is on the Wrong Track

I was surprised this statement by John McCain showing how out of touch he is with people who have to work for a living didn't get more notice in the media:

McCain: Out of Touch on Trade, by Seth Michaels, AFL-CIO Blog: At a speech in Florida yesterday, Sen. John McCain made a baffling pronouncement: The rising discontent in our country is not due to job losses, home foreclosures or the health care crisis, but rather the fact that we aren’t passing a bad trade deal with Colombia.

Here’s what McCain had to say at yesterday’s event:

We have made progress toward this vision by expanding the benefits of free commerce, through ... our free trade agreements... But the progress has stalled; our longstanding bipartisan commitment to hemispheric prosperity is crumbling. We see this most vividly in Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s opposition to the free trade agreement with Colombia. The failure of Congress to take up and approve this agreement is a reminder why 80 percent of Americans think we are on the wrong track.

What country is he living in?

If Obama had made the same statement, his "elitist views" would have been highlighted all over the airwaves and internet, we would have heard repeatedly about how out of touch Mr. Arugula is with the working class. But McCain says it and there's hardly a stir. Why?

If I were running Obama's campaign, I would be tempted to pull a Bill Clinton and let it slip out that he sometimes sneaks out for fast food, has a secret passion for big time wrestling, dreams of driving around the track at Indie, something like that. Some foible that betrays his "true" identity.

    Posted by on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 09:09 AM in Economics, International Trade, Press | Permalink  TrackBack (0)  Comments (11)


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