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Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Real World

I think I need to pay more attention. This isn't the only recent incident along these lines, not at all, but it's representative. Earlier this week, when I got home, there was a big bundle of mail on my front porch. The mail carrier had left it there - I guess my section of the common neighborhood mailbox was full and wouldn't hold any more. Turns out I hadn't picked up my mail since right around April 1.

In the mail was a jury summons. I was supposed to be in court on May 2, i.e. Friday before last, and to have the paperwork in two weeks before that.

Oops - I blame blogging.

So I called and said here I am, come arrest me. The jury clerk told me not to worry, the case had been dismissed and they had excused everyone (you call the night before to see if you have to sit on the trial). No harm, no foul.

Actually, almost everything seems to work out anyway, so maybe I should just wait for the real world to find me.

    Posted by on Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 11:16 AM in Miscellaneous | Permalink  TrackBack (0)  Comments (3)


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