links for 2008-10-11
- Heuristic optimisation in economics and econometrics - Vox EU
- Don’t worry about inflation, worry about deflation - Vox EU
- Calming the panic - Vox EU
- An efficient rescue plan - Vox EU
- How do capital gains affect long run-current accounts? - Vox EU
- An Alpine Pompeii from the Stone Age - Spiegel
- Fix the Credit Problem, Not its Symptoms - The Big Picture
- Paulson Indicates Need to Purchase Bank Equity 'Soon as We Can' - Bloomberg
- Muhammad Yunus: 'Capitalism Has Degenerated into a Casino' - Spiegel
- Soros interview - PBS
Posted by Mark Thoma on Saturday, October 11, 2008 at 12:06 AM in Links |
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