links for 2008-10-22
- The world wakes from the wish-dream of decoupling - Martin Wolf
- Components of GDP Growth Since 2000 - EconoSpeak
- As Greenspan plummets, Volcker surges - Andrew Leonard
- Paulson Plan: What is a reverse auction? - Vox EU
- Marx: less relevant - Chris Dillow
- Economic Model Predicts Obama Victory - Real Time Economics
- A New Look at a Milky Way Analogue - Scientific American
- If They're Too Big To Fail, They're Too Big Period - Robert Reich
- Why Banks Won’t Lend - My Theory - The Baseline Scenario
- Parents have health insurance at work, but kids may go without - EurekAlert
- What do you do when a Moron calls you a moron? - Kids Prefer Cheese
- How to protect the poor from food price shocks - Vox EU
- Weighing the Vote - Olivia Judson
- Stimulus Plans Veer Away From Individual Checks - Real Time Economics
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:06 AM in Links |
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