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Sunday, April 26, 2009

"What's the Grand Old Party to Do?"

Here's one of the session's I plan to attend at this year's Milken Institute Global Conference:

What's the Grand Old Party to Do? The Future of the Conservative Movement


Andrew Breitbart, Publisher, Breitbart.com and Big Hollywood; Columnist, Washington Times

Jonah Goldberg, Columnist, The Los Angeles Times

Amy Holmes, Political Analyst; former Senior Speechwriter for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist

Kathryn Lopez, Editor, National Review Online

Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent, Washington Examiner


William Bennett, Former U.S. Secretary of Education; Author, America: The Last Best Hope

The Republican Party has suffered major losses in the last two elections. Democrats are now in control of Congress and the presidency. Polls show the GOP's popularity at near-record lows. And the recent spat over who is the leader of the party — Rush Limbaugh? — showed that Republicans have some work to do in order to restore the party's focus and popularity. In this panel, leading conservatives will offer their views on how to rebuild the GOP.

The rest of the sessions I'll attend are mostly economics and finance related, but this one caught my eye. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Posted by on Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 09:07 PM in Economics, Politics | Permalink  TrackBack (0)  Comments (8)


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