links for 2011-10-27
- 'Life Without Stimulus' -- The U.S. vs. The U.K. - ThinkProgress
- What kind of mobility matters? - Paul Kelleher
- The Amnesiac Economy - Paul Krugman
- Student Loans, Social Security and Debts You Carry for Life - Rortybomb
- Paul Volcker Talks Dodd-Frank, Volcker Rule - Treasury Notes
- Fed to wrestle with communication policy -
- Coordinating bank failure costs and financial stability - Vox EU
- Perry's Flat Tax Proposal - ataxingmatter
- Wild-Eyed Theorists In Pinstripes - Paul Krugman
- Crony Capitalism Comes Homes -
- Clearinghouse Over-Confidence - Mark Roe
- The Dollar and the Renminbi as International Currencies - Econbrowser
- The Euro Area Precedent for Policy Failure - The Wilder View
- The uselessness of helicopter drops - Matt Rognlie
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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