Links for 2012-01-25
- What to Expect From the Fed - WSJ
- The world’s hunger for public goods - Martin Wolf
- Buffett vs. Mankiw on Taxes -
- A Tale Of Two Bubbles - Paul Krugman
- Did Summers Fear the Invisible Bond Market Vigilantes? - Brad DeLong
- How Summers' memo hobbled Obama's stimulus plan - Dean Baker
- The Concentration of Capital Gains and Dividend Income - Rortybomb
- Using Beveridge curves to ID cyclical and structural shocks - MacroMania
- Real Economists of the Ivory Tower - Blog of the Century
- Keynes on Austerity and Extremism -
- The IMF's latest forecast: Perverse austerity - Greg Ip
- A modest proposal for tax reform - Richard Green
- Romney's Taxes - Paul Krugman
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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