Links for 2012-02-08
- Wages and Values - Paul Krugman
- Repairing the Safety Net - CBPP
- Fiscal adjustment: Too much of a good thing? - Vox EU
- Jonathan Gruber on Public Finance - The Browser
- On the Asymptotic Properties of Sample Means - Dave Giles
- How Romney would tax us - David Cay Johnston
- Blaming the Victims of Inequality - Paul Krugman
- Falling Share of Trade Not a Competitiveness Problem - WSJ
- Can Raising Interest Rates Spark a Recovery? - David Beckworth
- Bernanke: Fed Policy’s Encouragement of Risk Is by Design - WSJ
- On the uselessness of learning foreign languages - Vox EU
- How many customers does Facebook have? - Digitopoly
- Tax Expenditures: A Way to End Budget Gridlock? - Tim Taylor
- The tax expenditure of the 1 percent - EPI
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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