Links for 2012-02-16
- Federal Reserve Unlikely to Buy More Assets -
- Duy on Bullard on Duy on Bullard on ... - Paul Krugman
- Where Bullard is right and where he is wrong - TheMoneyIllusion
- Still more about adjuncts (NTT faculty) - Crooked Timber
- The renminbi will become a reserve currency in a decade - Eswar Prasad
- World's Tiniest Chameleon Discovered - Scientific American
- Appreciation in China’s Currency Goes Largely Unnoted -
- Measuring the consequences of the zero bound constraint - Econbrowser
- Payroll tax deal could boost U.S. economy - Alain Sherter
- Casey Mulligan Has Another Head Scratcher On UI - Dean Baker
- Counterfeiting and American Monetary History - Uneasy Money
- Dodd-Frank and the Credit Rating Industry - Liberty Street
- The pain of zero interest rates - John Makin
- Potential Output - EconoSpeak
- FOMC minutes - FRB
- A Job Market Story - Peter Dorman
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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