Links for 2012-04-13
- The ECB’s Lethal Inhibition - Barry Eichengreen
- Liquidity, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy - Kiyotaki and Moore
- Budgetary Wishful Thinking - Jeffrey Frankel
- Professor Lazear Doubles Down on 1980/82 = 2007 - Econbrowser
- For Capitalism to Survive, Crime Must Not Pay - Bruce Judson
- Try overshooting for once! - The Economist
- Allowing for Heterogeneity in Macro Models - Athreya and Haltom
- Parsing a Fed Official's Speech -
- Sea disasters: Women and children first? - The Economist
- Industrial policy déjà vu - Acemoglu and Robinson
- Factory Fallacies - Mathew Yglesias
- Thoughts about the Outlook - Narayana Kocherlakota
- Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims increase to 380,000 - Calculated Risk
- How the Banks Endangered Medicare - Simon Johnson
- Rational Inflation Expectations Cannot Become Unmoored - Modeled Behavior
- Endogenous Money - Uneasy Money
- A note on model risk, policy design, and political alliances - interfluidity
- An interview with Amartya Sen - Economics Intelligence
- Cloud computing: Economic issues - Vox EU
- When monetary policy needs to incorporate fiscal policy - Felix Salmon
- Some Implications of the Trade Release - Econbrowser
- Sea disasters: Women and children first? - The Economist
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, April 13, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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