Links for 08-10-2012
- What Is Mitt Romney Talking About? - Brad DeLong
- College Is Worth It — With Some Caveats - Real Time Economics
- Bill Keller and Third Way’s misinformed baby boomer bashing - EPI
- Why the Dismal Science Deserves Federal Funding - Becker and Heckman
- Back from Three Weeks Vacation with a Bold Proposal - Robert Reich
- Why Romney’s tax plan won’t cut the deficit - Erskine Bowles
- The ECB Can Save the Euro – Paul de Grauwe
- A Mobile App for the Economy -
- Growth: No more growth miracles? - The Economist
- Teaching the Macro History of 2005-2012 - Brad DeLong
- Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims decline - Calculated Risk
- A Bipartisan Proposal for More Equity in Big Banks - Simon Johnson
- Rising regional inequality in China: Fact or artefact? - vox
- Was Central Planning Really Inefficient? - Acemoglu and Robinson
- Fed Uncertainty - David Beckworth
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, August 10, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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