Links for 10-19-2012
- Twitter’s policies cause prices on third party apps to rise - Digitopoly
- To Make the Math Add Up, Romney Needs Ryanomics - Econbrowser
- Reinhart-Rogoff vs. Bordo-Haubrich - Noahpinion
- The state of the U.S. election system - MIT News
- Let's be Consistent (econometrically) - Dave Giles
- How Obama Can Smoke Out Mitt - Robert Reich
- Understanding Romneynomics - Paul Krugman
- Five Points Worth Remembering About Taxes and the Poor - CBPP
- Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims increase sharply - Calculated Risk
- Where’s the IMF on inequality and growth? - Oxfam America
- Running Citigroup Without Subsidies - Simon Johnson
- Jungles, matches & optimality - Chris Dillow
- Are Blogs Evidence? What Is? - Jared Bernstein
- Mansion House Speech - Adair Turner
- As Goes Janesville - Luigi Zingales
- The Right Cure - Miles Kimball
- Inequality and top income shares in Canada - Miles Corak
- One More Rumination on the Burden of Fiscal Deficits - econospeak
- Video: DeLong and Landerretche, Politics of Inequality - Brad DeLong
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, October 19, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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