Links for 10-25-2012
- Romney’s Social Security Plan Hides a Tax Hike - Bloomberg
- Tax Policy Center in Spotlight for Its Romney Study -
- Higher Education and Theory of the Second Best - Crooked Timber
- For Whom Golden Parachutes Shine - Lucian Bebchuk
- Bernanke complicates Wall Street’s view of Romney - MacroScope
- Shapley Nobel Resurrects Von Neumann Versus Nash - Barkley Rosser
- The Economic Consequences of Mr. Osborne - Paul Krugman
- Press Release: FOMC statement - FRB
- From Master Plan To No Plan - Rortybomb
- Is Fiat Money a Bubble? - EconLog
- Too Big To Handle - Simon Johnson
- Character and history - Daniel Little
- Ethics and Finance: The Role of Mathematics - Magic, maths and money
- Professor questioned over hundreds of false job applications - Korea Times
- The Lost Generations - Jeffrey D. Sachs
- China and Protectionism: It's Not So Simple - Dean Baker
- Better Ways to Deal With China -
- If It Tastes Good It Has To Be Bad For You - Cheap Talk
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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