Links for 11-13-2012
- Discounting Ethics in Macroeconomics - mainly macro
- Advertising and consumer prices - vox
- The validity of mobility statistics - Miles Corak
- Deluding Ourselves Over the Fiscal Cliff - Robert Rubin
- Bair would be a superb choice - Richard Green
- When Confidence Hurts - Paul Krugman
- Is Finance Too Competitive? - Raghuram Rajan
- How Economists Got Income Inequality Wrong - Jonathan Schlefer
- Undercounting Very Discouraged Workers - Modeled Bheavior
- Empirical and theoretical multiplier uncertainty - Bruegel
- The President's Opening Bid on a Grand Bargain: Aim High - Robert Reich
Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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