Links for 11-30-2012
- Speculation Regarding Asian-American Voting Patterns - Menzie Chinn
- Most Americans Face Lower Tax Burden Than in the 80s - NYT
- Is it a sin for the central bank to help reduce debt? - mainly macro
- Evidence for Man-Made Climate Change Stronger - Scientific American
- Dropping the Ball on Financial Regulation - Simon Johnson
- Dark Matter: A Quick Revisit - Twenty-Cent Paradigms
- Varieties of Error - Paul Krugman
- A Flood from the Past - Environmental Economics
- The BP Spill: What's the Environmental Damage? - Tim Taylor
- Keep the net beyond the autocrats’ reach -
- A new paradigm shift for the infant universe - EurekAlert
- Grover Norquist Gets Schelling 101 - Cheap Talk
- The Stunning Cost of Bad Economic Ideas - Matthew O'Brien
- Applying Evidence to Social Programs -
- The unintended consequences: QE - The Economist
- The Road to Serfdom: Good Hayek or Bad Hayek? - Uneasy Money
- Veblen on universities - UnderstandingSociety
- Payday loans: statism vs libertarianism - Chris Dillow
- The U.S. economy grew 2.7% last quarter - Brad Plumer
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, November 30, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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