Links for 12-05-2012
- 11 shocking facts about Simpson-Bowles - Ezra Klein
- Unionizing at the Low End of the Pay Scale -
- The midlife crisis in humans and other apes - Andrew Oswald
- Psychodrama Queens, Revisited - Paul Krugman
- How to Get a Budget Deal Instead of the Cliff - Alan Blinder
- The Importance of Unemployment Insurance - Brookings Institution
- The allies who moulded the welfare state -
- Climate Change Strategies (Including Mangroves) - Tim Taylor
- The Debtor Prisoner’s Dilemma - Harold James
- Industry Structure and Systemic Risk Regulation - FRB - Tarullo
- Degree Inflation? Jobs That Newly Require B.A.'s -
- The IMF and Capital Controls - Paul Krugman
- Three-Card Budget Monte - Paul Krugman
- Fiscal Slope Negotiations - Menzie Chinn
- Against the Coupon State - Next New Deal
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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