Links for 01-03-2013
- The big issues in macroeconomics: unemployment - Crooked Timber
- The health-insurance markets of the (very near) future - MIT News
- US has been let down by its leadership - Nouriel Roubini
- What Will Make These Fiscal Showdowns Stop? - Justin Fox
- Debt in a Time of Zero - Paul Krugman
- The Lucas Critique Revisited - Uneasy Money
- The Economy’s Trajectory in 2013 - Econbrowser
- Paul Krugman on tech's great divergence - Marketplace
- More fiscal implications of a rising capital-share of income - Josh Bivens
- On the new purpose of government debt - FT Alphaville
- Currency Manipulation ... - Bergsten and Gagnon
- Spare the Stimulus, Spoil the Recovery - Mike Konczal
- Government debt: How much is too much? - The Economist
- Germany’s Downward Trend -
- That Bad Ceiling Feeling - Paul Krugman
- A important new survey of Bayesian model selection - Andrew Gelman
- The V-shaped nature of the Fiscal Cliff Fix - Richard Green
- Annual Report from the Conversable Economist: 2012 - Tim Taylor
- Brain drain or brain gain? Evidence from corporate boards - vox
- Politicians' existential crisis - Chris Dillow
- Latvia, Once Again - Paul Krugman
- Marcos versus Park - Acemoglu and Robinson
- What the FOMC Said: More Clarification - macroblog
- When Governing Means Lurching Between Phony Crises - Clive Crook
- A “Reference Price Auction” to Trade Assets Simultaneously - Liberty Street
- What's moving Japanese markets? - The Economist
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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