Links for 02-06-2013
- A scary graph from Goldman Sachs - Ezra Klein
- Evolving Views on Fiscal Multipliers - Econbrowser
- Who really pays social security and labour taxes? - Vox EU
- Does probability come from quantum physics? - EurekAlert
- CBO: Deficit to decline to 2.4% of GDP in 2015 - Calculated Risk
- CBO's Scary Debt Chart Not Looking Very Scary - Kevin Drum
- Email Spam Declines? Or Just Migrates? - Tim Taylor
- The End of Low Hanging Fruit? - Why Nations Fail
- Why the Republican CFPB Arguments Are Wrong - Rortybomb
- The Franken Amendment on Bond Rating Agencies - Dean Baker
- The iatrogenic explanation of post-recession stagnations - Noah Smith
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 12:03 AM in Economics, Links |
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