Links for 02-25-2013
- A Silver Linings Deficit Playbook - Alan Blinder
- The Great Divide: Less Innovation, More Inequality - Edmund Phelps
- Is a monetary union without fiscal/political union doomed? - mainly macro
- Fed’s Rosengren: Higher Bank Capital Standards May Be Needed - WSJ
- Carried Interest, an Unjust Privilege for Financiers - NYT
- Public policies for equality and social mobility - Miles Corak
- The Euro depression - Antonio Fatas
- February Vacation - Economic Principals
- IMF lending and banking crises - Vox EU
- Debt, Spreads, and Mysterious Omissions - Paul Krugman
- Doctor Pay in America and Other Countries - Kevin Drum
- Accounting for the Cost of US Healthcare - Owen Zidar
- Economists Ignored the Financial Sector - Firedoglake
- Austerity obstructs real economic reform -
- What is an "excess demand for money"? - Nick Rowe
- Only The Little People Pay Taxes - EconoSpeak
- Are Republicans Confused or Is Ezra Klein? - Dean Baker
- Armen Alchian - EconLog
- Euro Delusions - Paul Krugman
Posted by Mark Thoma on Monday, February 25, 2013 at 12:03 AM in Economics, Links |
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