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Monday, March 25, 2013

'On the Reliability of Chinese Output Figures'

This Economic Letter from the SF Fed says we can trust recent economic data from China:

On the Reliability of Chinese Output Figures, by John Fernald, Israel Malkin, and Mark Spiegel, FRBSF Economic Letter: Some commentators have questioned whether China’s economy slowed more in 2012 than official gross domestic product figures indicate. However, the 2012 reported output and industrial production figures are consistent both with alternative Chinese indicators of the country’s economic activity, such as electricity production, and trade volume measures reported by non-Chinese sources. These alternative domestic and foreign sources provide no evidence that China’s economic growth was slower than official data indicate.

    Posted by on Monday, March 25, 2013 at 12:23 PM in China, Economics | Permalink  Comments (2)


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