Links for 05-30-2013
- Do falling tax rates explain the rising incomes of the top 1%? - Miles Corak
- QE and Stock Markets: Boom or Crash? - Antonio Fatas
- Gains from trade: Firms and productivity - Vox EU
- This Time is Not So Different: The Euro Crisis and the 1840s - Carola Binder
- The Spinal Tap Approach to Government Loan Accounting - Jared Bernstein
- The Fed's tricky messaging: Tapering is not tightening - Ylan Q. Mui
- NPR: How Much Should We Trust Economics? - Supply-Side Liberal
- Austerity will drag hard on the economy in 2013 and 2014 - EPI
- The Fed's been keeping the economy afloat. That's the problem. - Neil Irwin
- High Debt/GDP Primarily a Result of Slower Growth - Brad DeLong
- Some International Minimum Wage Comparisons - Tim Taylor
- A Way to Tax Corporations That They Cannot Escape - Dean Baker
- Kids, Poverty, Safety Net, Recession…Over at TAP - Jared Bernstein
- Why Can’t America Be Sweden? - NYT
- Piggy Banks - Liberty Street Economics
- Stiglitz on globalization - ataxingmatter
- The Irish Recovery - Dean Baker
- The Neverending Irish Success Story - Paul Krugman
- Data, Theory and Central Bank Models - mainly macro
- The Case for a Profit Motive in Conserving the Environment - NYT
- Natural Resources and Political Institutions: Democracy - Why Nations Fail
- Volcker Plans to Restore Faith in Government - NYT
- Rate Stories - Paul Krugman
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 12:03 AM in Economics, Links |
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