Links for 07-14-2013
- Fish in a Barrel, Rick Santelli Edition - Paul Krugman
- The Sequester's Devastating Impact on America's Poor - Nancy Cook
- Checking in on the Taylor Rule and the Fed - Jared Bernstein
- More On Not-So-Miserable France - Paul Krugman
- Lost Causes in Statistics:II: Noninformative Priors - Normal Deviate
- Fundamentals and sovereign risk of emerging markets - vox
- March of the Munching Moochers - Paul Krugman
- A case for lower top taxes - Chris Dillow
- It is all there in Samuelson and Solow 1960 - Robert Waldmann
Posted by Mark Thoma on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 12:03 AM in Economics, Links |
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