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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Replication in Economics

Thomas Kneib sent me the details of this project in early April after a discussion about it with one of his Ph.D. students (Jan Höffler) at the INET conference, and I've been meaning to post something on it but have been negligent. So I'm glad that Dave Giles picked up the slack:

Replication in Economics: I was pleased to receive an email today, alerting me to the "Replication in Economics" wiki at the University of Göttingen:

"My name is Jan H. Höffler, I have been working on a replication project funded by the Institute for New Economic Thinking during the last two years and found your blog that I find very interesting. I like very much that you link to data and code related to what you write about. I thought you might be interested in the following:

We developed a wiki website that serves as a database of empirical studies, the availability of replication material for them and of replication studies: http://replication.uni-goettingen.de

It can help for research as well as for teaching replication to students. We taught seminars at several faculties internationally - also in Canada, at UofT - for which the information of this database was used. In the starting phase the focus was on some leading journals in economics, and we now cover more than 1800 empirical studies and 142 replications. Replication results can be published as replication working papers of the University of Göttingen's Center for Statistics.

Teaching and providing access to information will raise awareness for the need for replications, provide a basis for research about the reasons why replications so often fail and how this can be changed, and educate future generations of economists about how to make research replicable.

I would be very grateful if you could take a look at our website, give us feedback, register and vote which studies should be replicated – votes are anonymous. If you could also help us to spread the message about this project, this would be most appreciated."

I'm more than happy to spread the word, Jan. I've requested an account, and I'll definitely be getting involved with your project. This look like a great venture!

    Posted by on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 08:37 AM in Economics, Methodology | Permalink  Comments (0)


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