Links for 8-12-14
- The Startling Story behind a Famous Footnote - Economic Principals
- The Great Recession: Moving Ahead - Stan Fischer
- Unemployment, and product and labour-market tightness - vox
- EPI and AEI Agree: Cutting Benefits Did Not Boost Employment - EPI
- Inequality -- a key issue of economic research - Lindau Nobel Meetings
- Lessons from an experiment with referees at the J. Public Economics - vox
- Minimum wages aren't just for lowest wage workers - David Cay Johnston
- Owners’ Equivalent Rent Inflation Is Probably Not a Blip - Cleveland Fed
- Equality lacks relevance if the poor are growing richer - Deirdre McCloskey
- Who is Holding the Large-Denomination Bills? - Tim Taylor
- Realism and methodology - Understanding Society
- Cyclones and Economic Growth - Growth Economics
- The Glory of Math Is to Matter - Scientific American
- Competition amongst cryptocurrencies and exchanges - Digitopoly
- Part-Time Worker Levels Remain a Concern - St. Louis Fed
- Are We There Yet? - macroblog
Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 12:03 AM in Economics, Links |
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