Links for 04-21-15
- What, Exactly, Do You Want? - Cass Sunstein
- What the Weather Wrought - macroblog
- Thinking about family firms - Updated Priors
- History of sociology - Understanding Society
- Inflation goal may be too low, says Rosengren -
- Trust and the Benefit of the Doubt - Growth Economics
- Tax Cuts Boost Jobs, Just Not When Targeted at Rich - WSJ
- Before Columbus, trade between Asia and New World? -
- How the New Flexible Economy is Making Workers’ Lives Hell - Robert Reich
- Keynes Is Set To Lose British Election, but Piketty May Win - John Cassidy
- Did Massachusetts Health-Care Reform Affect Prices? - FRBSF
- The Data Revolution and Economic Research - Tim Taylor
- Labor Market Slack and Monetary Policy - NBER
- Rethinking macroeconomic policy: Introduction - Olivier Blanchard
- The role of trade credit financing in international trade - Vox EU
- Delinquent Student Loan Borrowers Getting Further Behind - St. Louis Fed
- Consumer Protection in a World Of Inclusive Capitalism - Credit Slips
- The critique of modern macro - Jérémie Cohen-Setton
- It Takes A Regime Shift to Raise an Economy - David Beckworth
- The euro area's debt hangover - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Consumption-based model and value premium - John Cochrane
- Oil shock morphs into global monetary shock – again - Gavyn Davies
- UK mediamacro myths: an introduction - mainly macro
- The Abel Prize Laureates 2015 - Abel Prize
- Why Is It So? - Michael Harris
- Vorsprung durch Grexit? - CER
Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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