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Monday, July 13, 2015

'Negotiating with Germany is a Waste of Time'

Kevin O'Rourke:

...I don’t suppose that any other left wing party that may come to power in the future seeking to challenge the current European economic policy mix will be as feckless as Syriza. The lesson that they will draw from this debacle is: negotiating with Germany is a waste of time; be willing to act unilaterally, be willing to default unilaterally, have a plan for achieving primary surplus if you haven’t already achieved it, have a hard default and euro exit (now possible, thanks to the Germans) option in your back pocket, and be willing to use it at the first sign of hassle from the ECB. A deal could have been done today that would have strengthened the Eurozone, but instead it has just become a lot more fragile.

    Posted by on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 11:09 AM in Economics, International Finance, Politics | Permalink  Comments (129)


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