Links for 08-26-15
- Unnatural Obsessions - Paul Krugman
- Political Risks May Foil Economic Reform in China - The New York Times
- It's Often a Curse to Be Blessed With Commodities - Bloomberg View
- What is known about non-bank interconnectedness? - Bank Underground
- Incentive Pay and Gender Compensation Gaps for Executives - Liberty Street
- Cure Economic Anxiety With Better Government - David Cay Johnston
- The Distribution of a Ratio of Correlated Normals - Dave Giles
- Monetary Rules: Solving the Knowledge Problem - Alt-M
- Nothing to fear but... - Stumbling and Mumbling
- A sense of identity - mainly macro
- It's Getting Tighter - Paul Krugman
- In Defense of Stigler - Uneasy Money
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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