Links for 08-29-15
- Displacement: The Misunderstood Crisis - The Berkeley Blog
- Entry and Exit Leads to Zero Profit for Bitcoin Miners - Liberty Street
- The special relationship: UK and US bond yields - Bank Underground
- Central bank independence before and after the Great Recession - Vox EU
- Falling Labor Share: Measurement and Candidate Explanations - Tim Taylor
- How the Society for Creative Anachronism Make Money - Liberty Street
- Competition alone will not eliminate discrimination - Vox EU
- Robert Shiller's Case for a Stock Bubble - Dean Baker
- All our needs are social - Branko Milanovic
- Who are the middle class? - Miles Corak
- Fear of Asymmetry - Paul Krugman
- 1998 in 2015 - Paul Krugman
Posted by Mark Thoma on Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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