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Monday, December 07, 2015

Hillary Clinton: How I’d Rein In Wall Street

Hillary Clinton's plan for Wall Street:

Hillary Clinton: How I’d Rein In Wall Street: Seven years ago, the financial crisis sent our economy into a tailspin. ...
Under President Obama, our economy has come a long way back. ... And we have tough new rules on the books, including the Dodd-Frank Act, that protect consumers and curb recklessness on Wall Street.
But not everyone sees that as a good thing. Republicans, both in Congress and on the campaign trail, are dead-set on rolling back critical financial protections. ...
President Obama and congressional Democrats should do everything they can to stop these efforts. But it’s not enough simply to protect the progress we have made. As president, I would not only veto any legislation that would weaken financial reform, but I would also fight for tough new rules, stronger enforcement and more accountability that go well beyond Dodd-Frank. ...

    Posted by on Monday, December 7, 2015 at 11:04 AM in Economics, Financial System, Regulation | Permalink  Comments (135)


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