Links for 01-28-16
- China’s Bumpy New Normal - Joseph E. Stiglitz
- Health Wonks and Bernie Bros - Paul Krugman
- Jobs Are Under Attack, But Not by Robots - Robert Gordon
- Are Economists in Denial About What's Driving Inequality? - INET
- Environment vs. Economy: A Shift in American Opinion - Tim Taylor
- Economists Get Closer to Spotting Recessions - Noah Smith
- Subprime Reasoning on Housing - The New York Times
- Fiscal cost of refugees in Europe - VoxEU
- Downside Inflation Risk - Carola Binder
- Twitter needed strategy - Digitopoly
- The Global Economy’s Marshmallow Test - Jeffrey Sachs
- Why GDP fails as a measure of well-being - CBS News
- Why GDP fails as a measure... period - EconoSpeak
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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