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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

'Donald Trump, Crony Capitalist'

Luigi Zingales:

Donald Trump, Crony Capitalist: Four years ago, in the first draft of my book “A Capitalism for the People,” I had a section dedicated to how worrisome a Donald J. Trump presidential bid would be for America. I was not prescient. It’s just that having grown up in Italy, I knew how a real estate tycoon — in this case, Silvio Berlusconi — whose career exemplified crony capitalism could become the leader of supposed pro-market forces, and I knew what it meant for the country.
I cut this section after being told that my point was irrelevant: In America, there was no chance that a character like Mr. Trump would ever be seriously considered as a candidate.
Then 2016 happened. ...
Mr. Trump ... is, in short, the essence of that commingling of big business and government that goes under the name of crony capitalism. ...

    Posted by on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 08:40 AM in Economics, Politics | Permalink  Comments (56)


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