Links for 03-11-16
- Social Credit Is the Answer!! - Brad DeLong
- Fundamentals, Polls, and the Primary - Paul Krugman
- No more Berning of fossil fuels- The Berkeley Blog
- The Fear Factor in Global Markets - Kenneth Rogoff
- ECB: I cannot do whatever it takes - Antonio Fatas
- Channeling Krugman - George Borjas
- Game Theory for Parents - Scientific American
- Trade agreements and profits: New evidence - VoxEU
- Why is labor mobility in India so low? - Microeconomic Insights
- How low-cost labour market information benefits job seekers - VoxEU
- The positive impact of raising NY's minimum wage to $15 - Berkeley News
- Is weak wage growth all because of who’s getting jobs? - Equitable Growth
- ECB Stimulus in Perspective - David Beckworth
- Austerity past and future - mainly macro
- Big data, meet behavioral science - Brookings Institution
- Houses: who has stopped buying them? - Bank Underground
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, March 11, 2016 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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