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Friday, March 25, 2016

Putting the Client Last: A Former Investment Banker Explains How Clients are Being Systemically Sucker-Punched

From ProMarket:

Putting the Client Last: A Former Investment Banker Explains How Clients are Being Systemically Sucker-Punched: As a former London employee of a major investment bank, I am often puzzled by the tone that top managers of investment banks use when speaking to the public. There is indeed a striking gap between the official communication and the internal behaviors I have observed (and taken part in). To me, banks are experts at exploiting asymmetries of information. Furthermore, they often amplify this asymmetry themselves by complexifying the products they offer or by disclosing only fractions of the information they have.
Of course, investment banks’ clients are the principal target of this type of strategy. While banks typically claim as their main value that their clients’ interests always come first, the reality is usually quite different. ...

    Posted by on Friday, March 25, 2016 at 11:07 AM in Economics, Financial System, Market Failure | Permalink  Comments (40)


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