When Europe Stumbled
Paul Krugman:
When Europe Stumbled: Doing some homework on the European economy...
... What was happening in 2011-2012? Europe was doing a lot of austerity. But so, actually, was the U.S., between the expiration of stimulus and cutbacks at the state and local level. The big difference was monetary: the ECB’s utterly wrong-headed interest rate hikes in 2011, and its refusal to do its job as lender of last resort as the debt crisis turned into a liquidity panic, even as the Fed was pursuing aggressive easing.
Policy improved after that... But I think you can make the case that the policy errors of 2011-2012 rocked the euro economy back on its heels...
Oh, and America might have turned European too if the Bernanke-bashers of the right had gotten what they wanted.
Posted by Mark Thoma on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 02:13 PM in Economics, Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy |
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