Links for 07-02-16
- Why Are Voters Ignoring Experts? - Jean Pisani-Ferry
- Brexit Post-Mortem - Macro and Other Market Musings
- Economists, Brexit and the Media: Epilogue - mainly macro
- The economic risks of an outbreak of Brexit-style votes - Kenneth Rogoff
- How a Quest by Elites Is Driving ‘Brexit’ and Trump - The New York Times
- All of the World's Money and Markets in One Visualization - Money Project
- Horizontal Shareholding, Antitrust, Growth and Inequality - ProMarket
- Krugman and DeLong Are Right, Eurotimidity Must Be Defeated - EconoMonitor
- Macroeconomics in Germany: The forgotten lesson of Hjalmar Schacht - VoxEU
- Karl Polanyi as a critical realist? - Understanding Society
- The Transition to Transfer Payment Government - Tim Taylor
- When globalization goes digital - Brookings Institution
Posted by Mark Thoma on Saturday, July 2, 2016 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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