Links for 08-13-16
- The State of Macro Is Sad (Wonkish) - Paul Krugman
- Blanchard on DSGE - mainly macro
- Hurdle Rates for Public Infrastructure and Private Investment - Brad DeLong
- Trump’s Misguided Embrace of Tax Cuts - NYTimes
- Cheap Talk And Nuclear War - EconoSpeak
- On randomization - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Everybody wants progress; nobody wants change - Paul Romer
- Why American Schools Are Even More Unequal Than We Thought - NYTimes
- Foot-Dragging on Volcker Rule Gives Banks’ Critics Ammunition - NYTimes
- Changes in the Treasury Repo Market after the Financial Crisis - Treasury
- Productivity and Models - Narayana Kocherlakota
- Of Psychopaths and Presidential Candidates - Scientific American
- The economics of SSHRC research grants IV - Stephen Gordon
- Ireland and Brexit - VoxEU
- Airing the IMF’s Dirty Laundry - Barry Eichengreen
- The Housing Bottom and Comparing Recoveries - Calculated Risk
- High-Tech Manufacturing Isn't Worth Much - Justin Fox
- The (Impossible) Repo Trinity - INET
Posted by Mark Thoma on Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 10:23 AM in Economics, Links |
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