Links for 10-20-16
- Fiscal Foolishness (at the Debate) - Paul Krugman
- It’s a war of ideas, not of interests - Dani Rodrik
- Africa's prospects for enjoying a demographic dividend - VoxEU
- Looking for Local Labor Market Effects of NAFTA - RESTAT
- Income distribution and aggregate saving - VoxEU
- Challenges for Monetary Policy in Advanced Economies - PIIE
- Do economists have physics envy? (Part 2) - Noahpinion
- Here’s What Economists Don’t Understand About Race - INET
- Five principles to follow for a new fiscal policy - Jason Furman
- In defence of Bank independence - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Limited Attention and Inflation Expectations of Households - Fed Notes
- What Differentiates White-Collar Criminals? - ProMarket
- News, entertainment and Trump - mainly macro
- The P/E Ratio and the Gordon Growth Model - EconoSpeak
- How Do the French Do it? - Tim Taylor
- The Encryption Wars - RegBlog
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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