Links for 11-29-16
- Federal Reserve economic projections: What are they good for? - Ben Bernanke
- Missing the Economic Big Picture - J. Bradford DeLong
- Ending Too Big to Fail - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- China’s Dual Equilibria - Brad Setser
- The Benefits of Mandatory GMO Labeling - Jayson Lusk
- NYT's Misleading Tale on Lost West Virginia Mining Jobs - Dean Baker
- From Peak Oil to Peak Oil Demand in Just Nine Years - Justin Fox
- The truth about trade agreements – and why we need them - VoxEU
- Improvements in US Air Pollution - Tim Taylor
- Does Lower Pay Mean Smaller Raises? - macroblog
- The Neutral Rate and the Summary of Economic Projections - FRB
- The Euro Crisis: Q&A with Markus Brunnermeier - ProMarket
- A Shadow Rate New Keynesian Model - NBER
- The Autumn Statement and buckets of water - mainly macro
- Macro Musings Podcast: JP Koning - David Beckworth
- Equality may have helped Trump win - VoxEU
- Can Raising Japan’s Minimum Wage Accelerate Wage Growth? - iMFdirect
Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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