Links for 01-07-17
- Macrohypocrisy - Paul Krugman
- Bias Against Less Wealthy Families: Mutual Fund Managers - Tim Taylor
- Labor Market Monopsonies and the Decline of the Labor Share - ProMarket
- Race May be Pseudo-Science, But Economists Ignore it at their Peril - INET
- Linking the best and worst of global trends - Roger Myerson
- Real Exchange Rate Shocks and Manufacturing Workers - Econbrowser
- Explaining the Almon Distributed Lag Model - Dave Giles
- Federalism and Progressive Resistance in America - Tyson and Mendonca
- College or the Stock Market, or College and the Stock Market? - FEDS Notes
- Eight Years of Labor Market Progress and the Employment Situation - CEA
- Macro Musings Podcast: Ylan Mui - David Beckworth
- The U.S. Needs More Colleges - Noah Smith
Posted by Mark Thoma on Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 12:06 AM in Economics, Links |
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