Links for 06-13-17
- Their Own Private Pyongyang - Paul Krugman
- Reagan to the power of ten - Thomas Piketty
- A President at War With His Fed Chief, 5 Decades Before Trump - NYTimes
- Can US States Right Trump’s Wrongs? - Barry Eichengreen
- The World Bank in the Era of Trump - VoxEU
- Containers and globalisation - VoxEU
- The problem with privatization - Larry Summers
- The Hidden Cost of Privatization - INET
- The Fed's Unspoken Mandate - Bloomberg
- Macroeconomics: The Simple and the Fancy - Paul Krugman
- We're Not Even In Kansas Anymore - Paul Krugman
- Yes: The ZLB Is a Big Deal, or, Brad Goes Down a Rabbit Hole... - Brad DeLong
- It Is Not Harder to Make the Case for Free Trade These Days... - Brad DeLong
Things have been a bit slow here lately. Sorry about that. With Trump, economic commentary has waned considerably. Guess you can only say this policy is stupid so many times. Plus, it's all hidden behind closed doors so we can't comment. Can't imagine why...
Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 12:02 PM in Economics, Links |
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