Links for 07-24-17
- Multi-party kleptocracies rather than illiberal democracies - globalinequality
- U.S. Inflation Remains Low, and That’s a Problem - The New York Times
- Mobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility - NBER
- Achieving Statistical Significance with Covariates (Updated) - Marc Bellemare
- The Other Trilemma: Governing Global Finance - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Shopping costs and one-stop shoppers intensify competition - VoxEU
- On the Origin of "Frequentist" Statistics - No Hesitations
- Agglomeration benefits versus firm selection - VoxEU
- Hayek, Deflation and Nihilism - Uneasy Money
- A Firming Recovery - Maurice Obstfeld
- The Marathon Game - Cheap Talk
- Norwegian Tax Law - EconoSpeak
- Lexit - mainly macro
Posted by Mark Thoma on Monday, July 24, 2017 at 08:08 AM in Economics, Links |
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