Links for 07-28-17
- Are some places "More Malthusian" than other? - growthecon
- The Obesity Code and Economists as General Practitioners - Carola Binder
- BEA: Real GDP increased at 2.6% Annualized Rate in Q2 - Calculated Risk
- The UK slowdown is a result of Brexit and austerity - mainly macro
- Economics With a Humanities Face - Morson and Schapiro - Project Syndicate
- Why Health Care Policy Is So Hard - Greg Mankiw
- Trump’s Growth Charade - Simon Johnson
- Price Dispersement and Bargain Hunting - Tim Taylor
- The high costs of being poor in a rich land - VoxEU
- Contingency and explanation - Understanding Society
- Where Friedman Was Wrong - ProMarket
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, July 28, 2017 at 10:22 AM in Economics, Links |
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