Links for 09-20-17
- The great unwind begins - Jim Hamilton
- Colleges as class reproduction machines - Brookings
- How Food Spending Varies with Income - Jayson Lusk
- The harm of high housing costs - Stumbling and Mumbling
- VIrtues and Flaws: NAFTA, and Economists' Views of NAFTA - Brad DeLong
- Antitrust in the Labor Market: Protectionist, or Pro-Competitive? - ProMarket
- Ideas aren’t running out, but they are getting more expensive to find - VoxEU
- Insurance companies: amplifiers or the white knights? - Bank Underground
- Monte Carlo Simulations & the "SimDesign" Package in R - Dave Giles
- Different Ways of Thinking about Carbon Budgets - Stochastic Trend
- Why Workers Are Losing to Capitalists - Noah Smith
- Conversation with Larry Summers - Tyler Cowen
- China's August Reserves - Brad Setser
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 03:40 PM in Economics, Links |
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