Links for 09-26-17
- Why Do You Care How Much Other People Work? - Paul Krugman
- Growing Disparities in Labor Market Outcomes - Fed Notes
- Moral Hazard: A Primer - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Brexit & austerity - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Inflation, Uncertainty, and Monetary Policy - Janet L. Yellen
- Persistent Employment Disparities Matter for the Economy - Lael Brainard
- The Fall, Rise and Fall of Creative Destruction - Justin Fox
- Uber and the anti-regulations bandwagon - mainly macro
- Cost-Benefit Analysis and Reasoned Agency Decision-Making - Regulatory Review
- How firm productivity impacts the optimal inflation rate - VoxEU
- How to Defeat Populist Plutocrats? “Build a Counter-Narrative” - ProMarket
- Demographic Transition and Low U.S. Interest Rates - FRBSF
- The Government We Deserve - Gene Steuerle
- Child Labor in Decline - Tim Taylor
- Interview with Lawrence Katz - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- On Refereeing: Do we have Confidence in Economic Institutions? - Roger Farmer
- Why Financial Markets Underestimate Risk - Jeffrey Frankel
- Employment Hysteresis from the Great Recession - NBER
- ‘Metrics Monday: Good Things Come to Those Who Weight - Marc Bellemare
- Why Pay Interest on Required Reserve Balances? - Liberty Street Economics
Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 10:25 AM in Economics, Links |
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