Links for 10-11-17
- No Better Than The Rest of Us - Tim Duy
- Puerto Rico, Trump and Taxes - Paul Krugman
- The Demise of Dollar Diplomacy? - Barry Eichengreen
- Inequality: Fiscal Policy Can Make the Difference - IMF Blog
- The impact of austerity in the UK - mainly macro
- U.S. Monetary Policy as a Changing Driver of Global Liquidity - Liberty Street
- The enduring impact of skilled immigrants - American Economic Association
- Effective rewards for whistleblowing - VoxEU
- Snapshots of the Global Robotics Industry - Tim Taylor
- Industrial robots and inclusive growth - VoxEU
- Another Nobel Surprise for Economics - Robert J. Shiller
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 10:07 AM in Economics, Links |
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